How to Add Fake Members on Discord?

How to add fake members on Discord

Do you want to boost your server’s membership quickly? While organic growth can be challenging, there are ways to give your server a boost artificially.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of fake members on Discord and where to buy them.


While Discord discourages fake invites, many server owners still resort to these methods to increase their server’s popularity quickly. To get fake invites on Discord, you must purchase Discord server members from specific platforms. These platforms provide fake members who will use your invite link to join your server, thereby increasing your invite count.

What are Fake Members on Discord?

Fake members on Discord refer to bot or non-human accounts that are added to Discord servers to artificially inflate member counts or to simulate activity. These accounts do not represent real users but are created and operated through automation for various purposes.

These fake members appear as genuine users and contribute to the overall member count of the server. The more members a server has, the more popular it appears, attracting more people to join.

Fake members can be programmed to send messages, react to posts, or perform other actions to create the illusion of activity. This can be used to kickstart conversations or to keep the server appearing active even during low-traffic periods.


Does Discord Allow Fake Members?

No, Discord explicitly prohibits the use of fake invites or buying Discord members. Such practices are considered violations of Discord’s terms of service.

If Discord discovers that you are using fake invites or purchasing members, they may take action against your server or account. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the risks involved before proceeding with fake invites.

While Discord discourages fake invites, many server owners still resort to these methods to increase their server’s popularity quickly.

Let’s explore how you can obtain fake invites on Discord without compromising the integrity of your server.

How to Add Fake Members/Invites on Discord?

When you create a Discord server, you can generate an invite link that allows others to join your server. Each person who joins your server using that invite link is counted as a member.

To get fake invites on Discord, you must purchase Discord server members from specific platforms. These platforms provide fake members who will use your invite link to join your server, thereby increasing your invite count.

To start, you need to find a reliable platform that sells Discord server members. These platforms offer different packages, allowing you to choose the number of members you want to add to your server.

Once you’ve selected a package, the provider will add the fake members to your server using your invite link. This will effectively increase your invite count, making your server appear more popular.

Here are a few platforms that offer Discord server members for purchase:

  • UseViral: UseViral is a reputable platform known for its quick delivery of real and authentic Discord members. They offer various packages, including options for NFT and crypto-related members.
UseViral Discord Members Buy
  • Media Mister: Media Mister provides authentic Discord members for your server. You can choose between packages of 100 or 1000 members, and they offer quick delivery and refill for any dropouts.
MediaMister Discord Members Buy
  • GetAFollower: GetAFollower offers fast delivery of Discord members once your payment is confirmed. They provide genuine members and offer refills if any dropouts occur.
GetAFollower Discord Members Buy
  • Buy Real Media: Buy Real Media offers fast delivery of Discord members at affordable prices. They provide real-looking members and have excellent customer support.
BuyRealMedia Discord Members Buy
  • PlayerUp: PlayerUp is a marketplace that focuses on player-player account transactions. While primarily for gaming accounts, you can also find Discord followers on this platform.
PlayerUp Discord Members Buy



Discord explicitly prohibits these practices, and engaging in them may result in penalties or restrictions on your server or account.

Anyway, we’ve covered how to get fake invites on Discord and some platforms where you can buy fake members.

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