How to Find Old Discord Servers You Left? [Guide 2024]

How to find the old discord servers you've left

Navigating the realms of Discord can be a bit like a digital treasure hunt. Have you ever left a server and later wished to revisit that server?

In this guide, we’ll guide you through different methods to explore how you can find the old Discord servers you’ve left.

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How to See Old Discord Servers You Left?

Discord doesn’t have a built-in feature that allows you to see the severs you’ve left but that doesn’t mean that we still can’t find them.

For personal or professional reasons, there’s often a curiosity about our digital past. If you’re looking to reconnect with old communities or stroll down memory lane, you’re in the right place.

METHOD 1: Requesting Your Data

If you don’t remember the names of those old servers, you might need to request a full copy of your data from Discord.

This data package includes information about all the servers you’ve joined and the messages you’ve sent. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Open the “Discord” web or desktop app.

Open Discord PC on your computer

STEP 2: Click on the “Settings” icon in front of your username at the bottom.

Click on Users Settings

STEP 3: From the left navigational panel, click on “Privacy & Safety” under “User Settings”.

Select Privacy Safety from User Settings Discord

STEP 4: Scroll down and click on the “Request Data” button.

Click on Request Data on Discord PC

While this method is effective, be aware that it can take up to 30 days to receive your data package from Discord.

METHOD 2: Track back the place from where you got the invite link

The simplest method is to go back to where you initially found the server. Public Discord servers often distribute invite links through various platforms.

For instance, YouTubers might share these links in their video descriptions or on their profile pages. Similarly, online communities and forums like Reddit and Quora might pin invite links in prominent places.

These links are generally permanent, allowing you to use the same link to rejoin the server.

METHOD 3: Contacting Server Members

If you remember some members of the server, reach out to them. A simple direct message (DM) to a server member explaining that you left by mistake can be your ticket back in.

Most members will be willing to send you an invite link or ask a moderator to do so. This approach is especially useful if you were an active member and have interacted with others on the server​.

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METHOD 4: Contact Discord’s Support

When all else fails, turn to Discord’s help page:

STEP 1: Visit Discord’s support page.

STEP 2: Click on the help button (usually at the bottom).

STEP 3: Detail your issue and follow the guidance provided.


Finding and rejoining an old Discord server you’ve left can feel like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. However, with some persistence and the use of the strategies outlined above, it’s often possible to reconnect with past communities. Whether it’s for nostalgia, reconnecting with friends, or accessing valuable resources, the effort to find your way back can be well worth it. Remember, the key to successful reentry is respect for the server’s current dynamics and an open mind to any changes that have occurred during your absence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to receive my data package from Discord?

It can take up to 30 days to receive your data package from Discord.

What information is included in the Discord data package?

The data package includes details about the servers you’ve joined and the messages you’ve sent.

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