How to Send a Blank Message on Discord?

How to Send a Blank Message on Discord

Discord is a popular messaging platform that allows users to communicate with friends, join communities, and engage in various activities.

While sending messages with content is the norm, there may be times when you want to send a blank or an empty message on Discord.

Whether it’s for fun, to mess with your friends, or to communicate coded messages, sending a blank message can add an element of intrigue and playfulness to your Discord conversations.

This comprehensive guide will explore different methods to send a blank message on Discord.

You can send a blank message on Discord. There are three ways including putting two asterisks before and after the spaces, putting three asterisks before and after the spaces, and putting an underscore before and after the spaces.
To send an invisible message, put two vertical bars (||) before and after the message and your message will be invisible.


How to Send a Blank or Empty Message on Discord?

Discord, like many other platforms, does not allow sending empty messages. However, by using special characters that are invisible to the eye, you can create the illusion of an empty message.

There are three ways to send a blank or an empty message on Discord. You can use any of them to do the job.

1. Use Two Asterisks(**)

A simple method to send a blank message on Discord is by using double asterisks or double stars.

Double asterisks are commonly used to make text bold, but when used with blank space only, they create an empty message. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Launch Discord on your device.

Open Discord PC on your computer

STEP 2: Go to the conversation where you want to send a blank message.

STEP 3: Type two asterisks (**), then as many spaces as you want, and in the end two asterisks more.

Two asterisks method on Discord PC

STEP 4: Hit “Enter” to send your blank message.

Blank message sent on Discord

2. Use Underscores(_)

Another method to send a blank message on Discord is by using underscores.

The underscore character is typically used to create italicized text, but when you leave the space between two underscores empty, it results in a blank message.

To send a blank message using underscores, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Launch Discord on your device.

STEP 2: Go to the conversation where you want to send a blank message.

STEP 3: Type an underscore (_) at the very beginning, then as many spaces as you want, and at the end, type one more underscore.

Underscore Method on Discord PC

STEP 4: Hit “Enter” to send your blank/empty message.

Blank message sent on Discord


3. Use Three Asterisks (***)

This method is similar to using two asterisks and is not commonly used to send a blank message but this is another way to send an empty message on Discord.

Three Asterisks are used to both bold and italicize text, so to send an empty message using three asterisks, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Launch Discord on your device.

STEP 2: Go to the conversation where you want to send a blank message.

STEP 3: Type three asterisks (***), then as many spaces as you want, and in the end, three asterisks more.

Three asterisks method on Discord

STEP 4: Hit “Enter” to send your blank message.

Sending An Invisible Message on Discord

You can also send an invisible message on Discord which is similar to sending a blank or an empty message.

To send an invisible message, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Launch “Discord” on your device.

STEP 2: In the conversation box, type your message.

STEP 3: Put two vertical bars (||) before and after the message.

Invisible message typing in Discord PC

STEP 4: Hit “Enter” to send the message.

The message will be covered in black color and the other person will have to click on the black color to see the message.

Invisible message sent on Discord PC

You can use the upper methods to type a blank message and then send it as an invisible one by applying the above steps. So, basically, you’ll be sending an invisible empty message.


Sending a blank message on Discord can add a touch of mystery and playfulness to your conversations. Whether you’re looking to mess with your friends or communicate coded messages, the methods mentioned in this guide provide you with various options to achieve this unique messaging technique.


Can I use blank messages in all Discord channels?

Yes, you can send blank messages in any text channel on Discord.

Will other users see that I sent a blank message?

Yes, the blank message will appear in the chat just like any other message.

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